2014年10月1日(LD 托尼 卡塔盧奇),在所謂的「阿拉伯之春」開始讓中東陷入亂局後不久, 美國承認自己早在幾年前就為暴亂領導人、全副武裝的恐怖分子提供 了全部資助、訓練和裝備。無獨有偶,美國國務院現在承認其通過一 系列機構和非政府組織在幕後操縱了所謂的香港「佔中」抗議。
華盛頓郵報在一篇名為「即使中國加強對公民社會的控制,香港依然 爆發抗議示威」的文章中有如下報導:
中國領導人為在其他地方發生的抗議感到不安,已經不斷地加強了對 大陸地區有外國勢力代理人嫌疑的公民社會的控制力度。
專家認為,這一行動旨在使中國遠離具有顛覆性的西方思想,如民主 與言論自由,遠離一些可能試圖在中國傳播這些價值的團體(特別是 美國團體)的影響。這一行動雖然由來已久,但在習近平主席的領導 下,特別是在烏克蘭前總統亞努科維奇在基輔持續數月的遊行示威中 下臺後(這一事件在中國被明確看作西方勢力...支持的結果),該行動受到了新的重視。
一位外國政策專家匿名探討一個敏感問題時說到,普金曾給習近平去 電,請習近平分享他對西方在烏克蘭危機中所起作用的看法。據一些 公民社會的成員說,這些看法似乎已滲透到中國的「茶話會」中。
一名國際非政府組織的經理說:「他們非常關注顏色革命,非常關注 正在烏克蘭發生的事情,他們說,‘你們從同樣的人手中拿錢,顯然 是想顛覆中國。’」該名經理的組織得到美國國家民主基金會的部分 資金支援,在中國因支持基輔獨立廣場的抗議活動而受到指責。
美國國家民主基金會有國會的資金支援和明確的目標,即在外國推動 民主。這一組織早就遭到中國政府的懷疑或敵視,且懷疑的範圍已擴 大到其他美國團體,如福特基金會,美國國際共和研究所,卡特中心 以及亞洲基金會。
當然,美國國家民主基金會與其包括美國國際共和研究所和美國全國 民主研究所在內的眾多附屬機構的實際所為與「推廣民主」毫不相關 ;相反,這些機構致力於在全球構建一張以「公民社會」為名的新帝 國統治網。這張網與西方的許多所謂的「國際機構」連結,而這些機 構反過來又完全被華盛頓、華爾街、以及倫敦和布魯塞爾等城市中的 利益集團所控制。
圖片: 雖然華盛頓郵報讓讀者相信美國國家民主基金會致力於推動「言論自 由」和「民主」,但該基金會的董事會所代表的利益集團從來不是這 些原則的支持者,反而因持一些恰恰與之相反的原則而聲名狼藉。
考慮到美國捲入全球竊聽醜聞,基於證據確鑿的謊言發動了一場又一 場違背美國人意志且不受歡迎的戰爭,並以嚴酷的手段對待本國公民 ,如在密蘇里州弗格森鎮用軍事化的政策鎮壓平民——與之相比,中 國對「佔中」的示威者所採取的政策措施近乎柔和,美國「推動民主 」這一觀念本身就令人反感,是為美國在其國土之外的霸權擴張計畫 所做的掩護,並且以包括美國人在內的所有「受害者(國)」的國家 主權為代價。
在2011年,紐約時報在名為「美國團體幫助滋長阿拉伯暴亂」的 文章中做出如下報導,將美國插手所謂的「阿拉伯之春」的事實公之 於眾:
一些團體和個人直接參與了席捲這一地區的暴亂和改革,包括埃及4 月6日青年運動,巴林人權中心,葉門青年領袖Entsar Qadhi等草根活動家都接受了美國國際共和研究所、美國全國民 主研究所、自由之家(總部位於華盛頓的一個非盈利人權組織)等團 體的訓練和資助。
共和研究所和民主研究所與共和黨和民主黨有著鬆散的附屬關係。上 述研究會由國會成立,通過美國國家民主基金會對其提供資金支援。 美國國家民主基金會成立於1983年,目的是為在發展中國家推動 民主輸送資金,國會每年給該基金會撥款約1億美元。自由之家同樣 從美國政府——主要是國務院獲得大量資金。
主戰且奉行干涉主義的美國參議員約翰 麥凱恩曾嘲弄過俄羅斯總統普京和習近平主席的前任、2011年時 任中國國家主席的胡錦濤。他說,美國席捲中東的顛覆行動很快會調 頭轉向莫斯科和北京。大西洋月刊曾在名為「阿拉伯之春:‘一種將 襲擊莫斯科和北京的病毒’」的文章中做了如下報導:
他(麥凱恩)說:「本-阿裡和卡紮菲一年前已經下臺,阿薩德明年 這個時候也會下臺。阿拉伯之春是一種病毒,將襲擊莫斯科和北京。 」說完這些話後,麥凱恩走下了台。
圖片: 美國參議員約翰 麥凱恩在烏克蘭基輔登臺演講,歡呼美國資助的發生在東歐的暴亂。 在2011年,麥凱恩曾對俄羅斯和中國進行嘲諷,說美國資助的顛 覆行動將瞄向俄羅斯和中國。「佔中」是在此之後影響中國海岸的眾 多波浪中的一個。
考慮到過去的「阿拉伯之春」以及現在的「佔中」運動明確的外國勢 力資助的本質,考慮到美國之前的顛覆行動中的受害者(國)所遭受 的混亂、死亡、動盪、崩潰,「佔中」運動可以從另一個角度解讀— —一群受騙者被人利用去摧毀自己的家園——與此同時不斷濫用「民 主」的原則——用民主的幌子掩蓋陰險的、與之完全背離的、外國勢 力操縱的專政。驅動這種專政的是巨大的、全球擴展的利益集團,而 這些集團恰恰害怕競爭,且積極地消除競爭。這種全球霸權試圖扼制 俄羅斯重新成為全球勢力一極,並阻止中國在世界舞臺上的崛起。
美國所支持的「佔中」運動領導者的具有倒退性的計畫,以及他們對 許多被其花招迷惑的年輕人良好意願的無恥利用均構成了一種現實威 脅——這種威脅比之他們口中所宣稱的北京給香港和港人帶來的「威 脅」同樣危險。希望中國人民及世界各地許多關注「佔中」發展的人 們會意識到這是一個外國勢力驅動的精心策略,並在香港成為繼利比 亞、敘利亞、烏克蘭、埃及及許多其他國家之後的又一個受害者、付 出慘重代價之前結束這場運動。
October 1, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Just as the US admitted shortly after the so-called "Arab Spring" began spreading chaos across the Middle East that it had fully funded, trained, and equipped both mob leaders and heavily armed terrorists years in advance, it is now admitted that the US State Department through a myriad of organizations and NGOs is behind the so-called "Occupy Central" protests in Hong Kong.
The Washington Post would report in an article titled, "Hong Kong erupts even as China tightens screws on civil society," that:
Chinese leaders unnerved by protests elsewhere this year have been steadily tightening controls over civic organizations on the mainland suspected of carrying out the work of foreign powers.
The campaign aims to insulate China from subversive Western ideas such as democracy and freedom of expression, and from the influence, specifically, of U.S. groups that may be trying to promote those values here, experts say. That campaign is long-standing, but it has been prosecuted with renewed vigor under President Xi Jinping, especially after the overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych following months of street demonstrations in Kiev that were viewed here as explicitly backed by the West.
The Washington Post would also report (emphasis added):
One foreign policy expert, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive subject, said Putin had called Xi to share his concern about the West’s role in Ukraine. Those concerns appear to have filtered down into conversations held over cups of tea in China, according to civil society group members.
“They are very concerned about Color Revolutions, they are very concerned about what is going on in Ukraine,” said the international NGO manager, whose organization is partly financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), blamed here for supporting the protests in Kiev’s central Maidan square. “They say, ‘Your money is coming from the same people. Clearly you want to overthrow China.’ ”
Congressionally funded with the explicit goal of promoting democracy abroad, NED has long been viewed with suspicion or hostility by the authorities here. But the net of suspicion has widened to encompass such U.S. groups as the Ford Foundation, the International Republican Institute, the Carter Center and the Asia Foundation.
Of course, NED and its many subsidiaries including the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute do no such thing as "promoting democracy," and instead are in the business of constructing a global network of neo-imperial administration termed "civil society" that interlocks with the West's many so-called "international institutions" which in turn are completely controlled by interests in Washington, upon Wall Street, and in the cities of London and Brussels.
Image: While the Washington Post would have readers believe NED is in the business of promoting "freedom of expression" and "democracy" the corporate-financier interests represented on NED's board of directors are anything but champions of such principles, and are instead notorious for principles precisely the opposite.
The very concept of the United States "promoting democracy" is scandalous when considering it is embroiled in an invasive global surveillance scandal, guilty of prosecuting one unpopular war after another around the planet against the will of its own people and based on verified lies, and brutalizing and abusing its own citizens at home with militarized police cracking down on civilians in towns like Ferguson, Missouri - making China's police actions against "Occupy Central" protesters pale in comparison. "Promoting democracy" is clearly cover for simply expanding its hegemonic agenda far beyond its borders and at the expense of national sovereignty for all subjected to it, including Americans themselves.
In 2011, similar revelations were made public of the US' meddling in the so-called "Arab Spring" when the New York Times would report in an article titled, "U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings," that:
A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington.
The article would also add, regarding NED specifically, that:
The Republican and Democratic institutes are loosely affiliated with the Republican and Democratic Parties. They were created by Congress and are financed through the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up in 1983 to channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations. The National Endowment receives about $100 million annually from Congress. Freedom House also gets the bulk of its money from the American government, mainly from the State Department.
Image: US Senator John McCain on stage in Kiev, Ukraine cheerleading US
funded sedition in Eastern Europe. In 2011, McCain would famously taunt
both Russia and China that US-funded subversion was coming their way.
"Occupy Central" is one of many waves that have hit China's shores since.
Pro-war and interventionist US Senator John McCain had famously taunted both Russia's President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping's predecessor in 2011 that the US subversion sweeping the Middle East was soon headed toward Moscow and Beijing. The Atlantic in a 2011 article titled, "The Arab Spring: 'A Virus That Will Attack Moscow and Beijing'," would report that:
He [McCain] said, "A year ago, Ben-Ali and Gaddafi were not in power. Assad won't be in power this time next year. This Arab Spring is a virus that will attack Moscow and Beijing." McCain then walked off the stage.
Considering the overt foreign-funded nature of not only the "Arab Spring," but now "Occupy Central," and considering the chaos, death, destabilization, and collapse suffered by victims of previous US subversion, "Occupy Central" can be painted in a new light - a mob of dupes being used to destroy their own home - all while abusing the principles of "democracy" behind which is couched an insidious, diametrically opposed foreign imposed tyranny driven by immense, global spanning corporate-financier interests that fear and actively destroy competition. In particular, this global hegemon seeks to suppress the reemergence of Russia as a global power, and prevent the rise of China itself upon the world's stage.
The regressive agenda of "Occupy Central's" US-backed leadership, and their shameless exploitation of the good intentions of the many young people ensnared by their gimmicks, poses a threat in reality every bit as dangerous as the "threat" they claim Beijing poses to the island of Hong Kong and its people. Hopefully the people of China, and the many people around the world looking on as "Occupy Central" unfolds, will realize this foreign-driven gambit and stop it before it exacts the heavy toll it has on nations that have fallen victim to it before - Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Egypt, and many others.
Land Destroyer: US Now Admits it is Funding "Occupy Central"
2014年10月1日(LD 托尼 卡塔盧奇),在所謂的「阿拉伯之春」開始讓中東陷入亂局後不久,
圖片: 雖然華盛頓郵報讓讀者相信美國國家民主基金會致力於推動「言論自
主戰且奉行干涉主義的美國參議員約翰 麥凱恩曾嘲弄過俄羅斯總統普京和習近平主席的前任、2011年時
圖片: 美國參議員約翰 麥凱恩在烏克蘭基輔登臺演講,歡呼美國資助的發生在東歐的暴亂。
October 1, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Just as the US admitted shortly after the so-called "Arab Spring" began spreading chaos across the Middle East that it had fully funded, trained, and equipped both mob leaders and heavily armed terrorists years in advance, it is now admitted that the US State Department through a myriad of organizations and NGOs is behind the so-called "Occupy Central" protests in Hong Kong.
The Washington Post would report in an article titled, "Hong Kong erupts even as China tightens screws on civil society," that:
Chinese leaders unnerved by protests elsewhere this year have been steadily tightening controls over civic organizations on the mainland suspected of carrying out the work of foreign powers.
The campaign aims to insulate China from subversive Western ideas such as democracy and freedom of expression, and from the influence, specifically, of U.S. groups that may be trying to promote those values here, experts say. That campaign is long-standing, but it has been prosecuted with renewed vigor under President Xi Jinping, especially after the overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych following months of street demonstrations in Kiev that were viewed here as explicitly backed by the West.
The Washington Post would also report (emphasis added):
One foreign policy expert, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive subject, said Putin had called Xi to share his concern about the West’s role in Ukraine. Those concerns appear to have filtered down into conversations held over cups of tea in China, according to civil society group members.
“They are very concerned about Color Revolutions, they are very concerned about what is going on in Ukraine,” said the international NGO manager, whose organization is partly financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), blamed here for supporting the protests in Kiev’s central Maidan square. “They say, ‘Your money is coming from the same people. Clearly you want to overthrow China.’ ”
Congressionally funded with the explicit goal of promoting democracy abroad, NED has long been viewed with suspicion or hostility by the authorities here. But the net of suspicion has widened to encompass such U.S. groups as the Ford Foundation, the International Republican Institute, the Carter Center and the Asia Foundation.
Of course, NED and its many subsidiaries including the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute do no such thing as "promoting democracy," and instead are in the business of constructing a global network of neo-imperial administration termed "civil society" that interlocks with the West's many so-called "international institutions" which in turn are completely controlled by interests in Washington, upon Wall Street, and in the cities of London and Brussels.
Image: While the Washington Post would have readers believe NED is in the business of promoting "freedom of expression" and "democracy" the corporate-financier interests represented on NED's board of directors are anything but champions of such principles, and are instead notorious for principles precisely the opposite.
The very concept of the United States "promoting democracy" is scandalous when considering it is embroiled in an invasive global surveillance scandal, guilty of prosecuting one unpopular war after another around the planet against the will of its own people and based on verified lies, and brutalizing and abusing its own citizens at home with militarized police cracking down on civilians in towns like Ferguson, Missouri - making China's police actions against "Occupy Central" protesters pale in comparison. "Promoting democracy" is clearly cover for simply expanding its hegemonic agenda far beyond its borders and at the expense of national sovereignty for all subjected to it, including Americans themselves.
In 2011, similar revelations were made public of the US' meddling in the so-called "Arab Spring" when the New York Times would report in an article titled, "U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings," that:
A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington.
The article would also add, regarding NED specifically, that:
The Republican and Democratic institutes are loosely affiliated with the Republican and Democratic Parties. They were created by Congress and are financed through the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up in 1983 to channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations. The National Endowment receives about $100 million annually from Congress. Freedom House also gets the bulk of its money from the American government, mainly from the State Department.
Image: US Senator John McCain on stage in Kiev, Ukraine cheerleading US
funded sedition in Eastern Europe. In 2011, McCain would famously taunt
both Russia and China that US-funded subversion was coming their way.
"Occupy Central" is one of many waves that have hit China's shores since.
Pro-war and interventionist US Senator John McCain had famously taunted both Russia's President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping's predecessor in 2011 that the US subversion sweeping the Middle East was soon headed toward Moscow and Beijing. The Atlantic in a 2011 article titled, "The Arab Spring: 'A Virus That Will Attack Moscow and Beijing'," would report that:
He [McCain] said, "A year ago, Ben-Ali and Gaddafi were not in power. Assad won't be in power this time next year. This Arab Spring is a virus that will attack Moscow and Beijing." McCain then walked off the stage.
Considering the overt foreign-funded nature of not only the "Arab Spring," but now "Occupy Central," and considering the chaos, death, destabilization, and collapse suffered by victims of previous US subversion, "Occupy Central" can be painted in a new light - a mob of dupes being used to destroy their own home - all while abusing the principles of "democracy" behind which is couched an insidious, diametrically opposed foreign imposed tyranny driven by immense, global spanning corporate-financier interests that fear and actively destroy competition. In particular, this global hegemon seeks to suppress the reemergence of Russia as a global power, and prevent the rise of China itself upon the world's stage.
The regressive agenda of "Occupy Central's" US-backed leadership, and their shameless exploitation of the good intentions of the many young people ensnared by their gimmicks, poses a threat in reality every bit as dangerous as the "threat" they claim Beijing poses to the island of Hong Kong and its people. Hopefully the people of China, and the many people around the world looking on as "Occupy Central" unfolds, will realize this foreign-driven gambit and stop it before it exacts the heavy toll it has on nations that have fallen victim to it before - Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Egypt, and many others.
Land Destroyer: US Now Admits it is Funding "Occupy Central"